“The future of…” Series 1 – Mixed Reality/Augmented Reality in construction

During the summer we launched our BuildingPoint UK and Ireland ‘The Future Of….’ Series looking at key trends in digital construction and we decided there was nowhere better to kick off than with Augmented and Mixed Reality – technology that’s truly transforming the way we work!

AR and MR – where are we now?

AR/MR might be regarded as ‘the new kid on the block’ but a quick visit to a TV news report back in 1997 on Trimble shows that this technology has been over 20 years in the making! Development is now continuing apace and in particular, recent software advances are engaging a wider variety of users.

Whilst the current geospatial market for AR/MR is still relatively low, primary research indicates that the construction market will see a 44% increase in the number of AR devices used in 2023 alone.

Here at KOREC, our experiences indicate that whilst initial take up has indeed been slowish, end users love the idea of AR/MR, but it’s only when they adopt it into their workflow that they realise how beneficial it can be to their business.

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Adopting Mixed Reality: Mercury Engineering Are Now Using The Trimble XR10

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Improved communication, reduced errors in the model and plenty of time saved. Mercury Engineering found the perfect project to test Trimble’s XR10 mixed reality technology.

Mercury Engineering on site with the Trimble XR10

Every year, new digital technologies emerge that can improve construction work, both on-site and in the office. Smart businesses are seeing the potential to improve access to information and embracing them. Businesses like Dublin-based Mercury Engineering.

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